US Military Knives Presents:

Military Medals, Regalia, Souvenirs

and Decorations

Updated 01/26/25

Along with knives when we pick up collections occasionally the collector has other items they have accumulated over time. Many times we find medals and other memorabilia / decorations filling the dens of our fellow collectors. Hung on walls and filling in backgrounds on items they have purchased these items at time do become attached and are included with the purchase or in some cases the collector has a dual specialty which includes many other fields. Here we present an extremely large collection of military medals and shooting badges collected over many years. While not our specialty we can certainly appreciate the work and time put into assembling a collection like this. Enjoy!


I guarantee all items to be authentic and as described. I give a seven (7) business day inspection period with any purchase. If you are not happy with the items for any reason please return it for a full refund. No reasons needed, just contact me to let me know it is coming back. If you need to return an item please ship it insured as we can not be responsible for the postal company chosen. I prefer payment by PayPal, but will accept Cash, Money Order or Certified Check. I also accept personal checks but I have to wait 10 days or more to see if they clear if we have not done business before.

All items depicted are one of a kind so please contact me before sending money or assuming the item or items are available.

All prices are for the item shown, postage will be added to the price depending on where you want the item shipped. I will quote you on postage so contact me first.

I will hold any item for 7 days for you. If I do not hear from you then it goes back into the list. I will do a lay a way plan, contact me and we can make the arrangements. 





A482.) 1804 Regensburg Schutzen Token Concordia with crossed arrows, clasped hands, & souroboros - Reverse Schutzen Gesellschaft des Kleinen Stahls - 33mm, unmarked  $35.00 $30.00





A483.) 1862 Frankfort huntsman with sword, rifle & eagle in high relief Table Medal - Reverse Festhalle and Erinnerung an das Deutsche Schutzen Fest - 41mm, no maker $40.00 $30.00




A485.) 1876 Tiroler Tag Schützen Verein Badge - 42mm with pinback, unmarked  $65.00  $50.00  (numbered wrong in photo, sorry)





A486.) 1883 Ottensen Militärische Kameradschaft Hanging Badge - Fully enameled, 45mm, pinback, maker marked Bonner Fahnenfbk Bonn $45.00 $35.00





A487.) 1886 Giessen 1st Schützenfest des Gaues Hessen & Nassau Medal with rifle, target and hat - Reverse 18 - 20 Juli 1886, 30mm, unmarked, yellow/white ribbon  $35.00 $25.00





A488.) 1898 Damm Maltese Cross with crossed rifles, target, hat & wreath Medal - Reverse 200 Jahr Jubilee Schutzen Verein, 33mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $35.00 $30.00





A489.) 1908 Wien 60 Jahr Bundesschiessen Medal with Engelbert Auer 1943 tag - Depictions of marksmen/hunters receiving accolades on both sides, 38mm, unmarked, no ribbon $35.00





A490.) 1911 Minden shooter with rifle & target in relief - Reverse 1861 - 1911 50 Jahr Schutzenbund Jubilee, 38mm, unmarked, red/black ribbon  $30.00





A491.) 1921 Erfurt eagle, rifle & target medal - Reverse jeweler script engraving Stieger Schutzen Corp Erfurt Konigschiessen II Preis 1921, 33mm, unmarked, no ribbon $30.00





A492.) 1921 Hamm medal with crossed rifles, hunting cutlass, horn, hat, target, etc in relief - Reverse jeweler script engraving Gewehr Schutzen 25 Jähr Jubilee, 32mm, unmarked, green/white ribbon  $65.00





A493.) 1922 Geysteren marksman with rifle medal - Reverse Aangeboden door be Feest-Commissie 21 May 1922, 30mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $75.00





A494.) 1923 Erlangen 33 Mittel Fränkisches, Bundes Schiessen and cherubic young hunters, crossed rifles & oak leafs/acorns - 50mm, pinback, maker marked G.G. Linder München  $35.00





A495.) 1924 Merzig hunter with rifle & hounds in very high relief Table Medal - Reverse 13 - 22 September 1924 Merzig fur Hervorragende Leistungen, 51mm, unmarked $30.00





A496.) 1928 Wesel medal with crossed rifles, hunting cutlass, horn, hat, target, etc in relief - Reverse Wesler Burger Schutzen-Ver., 28mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $25.00





A497.) 1929 Deutsche Art Treugewahrt marksman with rifle & target - Reverse Dornburg 1929, 40mm, maker marked WH, no ribbon  $35.00





A498.) 1929 Herz medal with crossed rifles, hunting cutlass, target, horn, hat, etc in high relief - Reverse laurel leaf border, jeweler engraved Schweif 1929, 40mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $35.00





A499.) 1929 Honnef-Selhof medal with crossed rifles, hunting cutlass, target, horn, hat, etc in high relief, both sides oak leaf & acorn border - Reverse jeweler engraved Schluss-Schiessen, 39mm, maker marked gothic B, no ribbon  $30.00





A500.) 1929 Straubing cathedral, crossed rifles & target Feuerbundesschiessen 17 - 22 August 1929 Badge - 42mm, pinback, unmarked  $30.00





A501.) 1929 Bezirks-Schiessen VI 1929 Eim-Ka shooting Badge with helmet and enamel center - 45mm, pinback, unmarked $20.00





A503.) 1931 HPC Medal - Fully enameled Maltese Cross with crossed pistols center - 48mm, Parade Mount black/red ribbon with cloth Gustav Uhlig maker’s label  $45.00





A504.) 1932 Cochem marksmen on shooting range in relief - Reverse Erinnerung des Schiess-Standes Cochemer Schutzen Gesellschaften 14 August 1931, 40mm, unmarked, no ribbon $35.00





A505.) 1932 Shooting Medal with sharpshooter, rifle & target in relief - Reverse engraved 2 Prize, 2 Klasse 21 February 1932, 30mm, unmarked, green/white ribbon  $35.00





A506.) 1932 fully enameled Maltese Cross with crossed rifles, target & wreath -  56mm, reverse engraved 1 Ritter, no ribbon  $45.00





A507.) 1933 Austrian medal with beautifully detailed crossed rifles, target & laurel leaves - Reverse jeweler engraved IV Konig Schutzen 1933, 41mm, maker marked EPH, green/white ribbon  $35.00





A508.) 1933 Basbeck stylized Maltese Cross with enameled eagle, crossed rifles, target & laurel leaf center -  Reverse jeweler engraved 2 Preis Basbeck 1933, 50mm, unmarked, green/white ribbon  $35.00






A510.) 1933 eagle, rifle & target medal - Reverse jeweler engraved Schutzen 1904 W. II Ritter 1933, 30mm, unmarked, green/white ribbon $35.00





A511.) 1933 Meister Verband SSf. KKS Lapel Badge or Stickpin - Fully enameled center with bronze oak leaves, 23 mm, maker marked E. Schmidhäussler Pforzheim  $20.00





A512.) 1935 Kerpen depicting marksman & crossbow in relief - Reverse Ver. Meister 50 M Kleinkaliber Schützen, 32mm, 835 silver content stamped, gray/yellow ribbon  $45.00





A513.) 1935 Lauenburg Maltese Cross with oak leaf wreath Medal jeweler engraved Besten Schutze1935, 46mm, maker marked with rampant lion stamp on ring, red/white/black ribbon   $35.00





A514.) 1937 Gunsten des Denkmalfonds Gemeinschaftschiessen Medal with swastika, eagle, crossed rifles, target & oak leaf border, Silver grade, 40mm, unmarked, missing ribbon $45.00





A515.) 1939 Luzern Eidgenossisches Schützenfest hanging ribbon medal with heroic figure holding rifle & clutching tree branch - 130mm, pinback, unmarked  $45.00






A520.) 1939 marksmen on shooting range in high relief Table Medal - Reverse Kleinkaliber 30 April 1939 with very ornate double border of oak leafs/acorns & laurel leaves, 50mm, unmarked  $45.00






A535.) 1944 Salzburg Armbrust-Gauschiessen Shooting Badge - 40mm, pinback, unmarked  $75.00





A543.) Badge 23rd Congress of the General Cyclists Union Frankfurt a. M. 24-30 June 1908 Participant badge / beer tip badge 23rd Congress of the General Cyclists Union Frankfurt a. M. 24th - 30th June 1908. 30 mm long. With imperial eagle on top. Beautiful piece..  $40.00





A544.) Damn if I know… Named on reverse Danner s/L Lohe $15.00




A545.) Damn if I know… Engraved on reverse E. Selbach / s/LGGr / Otto Krieger  $15.00




A546.) Damn if I know… Initials engraved on front shield E.R v  $10.00







A548.) Undated Alteglofsheim Edelweiss Schutzen Badge - Stag head, crossed rifles & target in relief, 45mm, pinback, maker marked Deschler & Sohn München  $30.00






A550.) Undated Bavarian Landes-Kleinkaliber-Schützen Bundes (LKKSB) Badge - Fully enameled, 30mm, pinback, maker marked Deschler & Sohn München  $20.00





A551.) Undated Bavarian Sport-Schützen Bundes (BSSB) Lapel Badge or Stickpin - Fully enameled, 22mm, maker marked J. Aschka München and Schutzen Klasse to reverse  $20.00





A552.) Undated Centralia eagle, target & arrow Lapel Badge or Stickpin - 16mm, unmarked $20.00





A553.) Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhauser (DRKB) (National Assoc of Veterans) Lapel Badge or Stickpin - Fully enameled center with gold wreath, 22mm with Ges. Gesch stamped reverse $20.00





A555.) Undated Gera Privilegierte Schützengesellschaft 1660 Badge with eagle head, target & gold wreath - 37mm, pinback, unmarked  $20.00





A556.) Undated Gera Privilegierte Schützengesellschaft 1660 Badge with eagle head & target  - 31mm, pinback, unmarked $15.00






A559.) Undated Koenig Schutzen Hanging Badge - Jeweler engraved with enamel target, 46mm, pinback, recipient’s name engraved to reverse  $35.00





A560.) Undated Lüdenscheid standing, kneeling & prone marksmen on shooting range Medal - Reverse K K S V Lüdenscheid, swastikas & stamped 3 Sieger, 28mm, unmarked, no ribbon    $25.00





A561.) Undated Münster Allgemeine Bürger Schutzen Corps Badge - Fully enameled, 28mm, damaged pinback, unmarked  $20.00





A562.) Undated Rheinprovinz Badge with stag head, oak leafs & acorns and Landesverein A.D.J.V. - 45mm, pinback, maker marked W. Hammann Düsseldorf   $25.00





A563.) Undated Schwentine Badge enameled banner & target with crossed rifles & oak leafs, cut-out style - 41mm, pinback, unmarked  $20.00





A564.) Undated Tyrol medal with heroic figure, eagle, rifle, target and PRAEMIVM in relief - Reverse Societa di Tiroa Segno Nazionale, 39mm, no ribbon  $35.00





A565.) Undated Unterhaching Die Waldschutzen Badge with crossed rifles, target & oak leafs - 22mm, pinback, maker marked Deschler München  $20.00





A566.) Undated Vaterlander medal with crossed rifles, hat & target in relief - Reverse Faser Wilhelm, 34mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $30.00





A567.) Undated Wesel medal with crossed rifles, hunting cutlass, horn, hat, target, etc in relief - Reverse Burger Schutzen Verein, 28mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $20.00





A568.) Undated medal with eagle, rifle, & target in relief - Reverse Verband Schiessklubs von Ludenscheid und Umgegend and stamped 6 Sieger, 40mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $20.00





A569.) Undated medal with jumping stag, orb, rifle, & target in relief - Reverse stamped 5 Sieger, 32mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $30.00





A570.) Undated medal with crossed rifles, bayonets, crown & target in relief - Reverse Aospam Ctepdy Dobrom Strelcu, 32mm, unmarked, red/white/blue ribbon (Polish / Russian?) $20.00





A571.) Undated Maltese Cross with enameled crossed rifles, target & wreath center -  Reverse impressed Fur Treue Dienste Graf Luxbg. Komp, 41mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $35.00





A572.) Undated sunburst with enameled eagle, crossed rifles, target & laurel leaf center -  55mm, unmarked, green/white ribbon  $35.00





A573.) Undated hunter (archer) with horn celebrating over fallen stag (beautifully rendered) - Reverse oak leaf & acorn border, 45mm, unmarked, no ribbon  $25.00





A574.) Undated metal ribbon crossed rifles, target, hat & wreath Badge - 40mm, pinback, unmarked  $20.00





A575.) Undated crossed rifles, target, hat & wreath Lapel Badge or Stickpin - 28mm, unmarked $20.00





A576.) German Army ashtray unit marked 4 Kompanie Jager Regiment 190 Kriegsweihnachten - unmarked translates to War Christmas $25.00





A577.) German shooting/hunting belt buckle for enlisted personnel, nickel box with applied crossed rifles, hunter’s horn & enamel target - 48mm, unmarked  $25.00






A582.) Brass plaque of Adolf Hitler, face in profile - Six inches by four inches, illegible maker’s mark with Nuremberg 1936 to reverse, large and heavy piece, $75.00





A583.) Imperial German marksmanship cord or lanyard with named cabinet photo of recipient in uniform wearing same with bayonet, etc  $45.00





A584.) Third Reich period Kleinkaliber Schießclub - KKS (Small Caliber Shooting Association) patch, crossed rifles, oak leaf wreath & KKS in ornate chain-stitched embroidery - 3.5 by 3 inches in size $35.00





 A779.) WWI German MG08 Marksmanship Badge - 85mm, tombac with wool backing, sew-on, unmarked $125.00  






A606.) Imperial Japanese Manchuko National Foundation Commemorative Medal in original lacquered wooden case with gold title and latch. Excellent condition. $65.00 






A607.) Imperial Japanese Showa Enthronement Medal in original gold title case with several documents. Excellent condition. $35.00 







A586.) US Army Cavalry 1880s Indian Wars’ eagle shako plate - All three mounting loops extant, unmarked $45.00






A588.) Marksman with rifle & laurel leaves shooting medal, reverse jeweler engraved CGC, J B Floyd, Third, 20 Gauge Scatter, Manilla August 12 1917 - mm, in original box marked The Robbins Co, Attleboro, Mass & Badges and Medals, pinback, planchet stamped Robbins Co. Attleboro, Mass, green ribbon $25.00





A589.) Early Obsolete US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade in bronze with original issue paper box labeled One Sharpshooter’s Badge Bronze Rock Island Arsenal 1916 - Pinback, unmarked $65.00





A590.) Early Obsolete US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade planchet only – Unmarked $20.00





A591.) Early US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Marksman grade with Field Artillery clasp - Pinback, unmarked $10.00





A592.) Early US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade with Sharpshooter, Rifle & Carbine clasps - Pinback, stamped Sterling $40.00





A593.) Early US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Marksman grade with Carbine clasp - Pinback, stamped Sterling $20.00





A594.) US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade - Pinback, stamped Bell Trading Post maker’s mark, Sterling & GI $20.00





A595.) US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade with Rifle, Automatic Rifle & Grenade clasps - Clutchback, stamped Ira Green, G-23 & 1/20th SF $25.00





A596.) US Marine Corps Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Rifle Expert grade - Clutchback, FRW – GI $10.00





A597.) US Marine Corps Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Rifle Sharpshooter grade - Clutchback, marked Krew & Sterling $10.00





A598.) US Marine Corps Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Marksman grade - Planchet only, marked 12C & Sterling $10.00





A599.) Early Illinois Reserve Militia Weapons Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade with Small Bore & Sub Machine Gun clasps - Pinback, unmarked $20.00





A601.) Large presentation plate plaque to LTC Clair L. Book, G-1 Section, 1st Cavalry Division, Korea 1964 - Large color 1st Cavalry SSI at center $25.00





A602.) Large presentation plate plaque to LTC Clair L. Book, CO 2nd Bn 9th Cavalry, 1964 - Large color 5th Cavalry DI at center $25.00





A603.) Presentation plate plaque to LTC Clair L. Book, 2nd Bn 7th Cavalry - Large color 7th Cavalry DI at center $20.00





A604.) Presentation ashtray to LTC Clair L. Book, Korea 1963 - 1964 - Color 5th Cavalry DI at center $20.00




A780.) Winchester advertisement for their Model 50 Semiautomatic Shotgun with original attached pewter US Army Soldier - Hanging double sided heavy paper stock advertisement with photo of the shotgun and dated 1953 - Painted uniformed soldier is holding helmet & rifle attached with wire $125.00





A781.) US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Sharpshooter grade with Rifle clasp - Pinback, marked Bell Trading Post maker’s mark, Sterling & GI; Clasp marked Metal Arts, 1/20th silver filled & GI $10.00





A782.) US Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Marksman grade with Rifle clasp - Clutch back, marked Bell Trading Post maker’s mark, 1/20th silver filled & GI; Clasp marked by same maker, Sterling & GI $20.00





A783.) JROTC Marksmanship Badge with one star, clutch back, maker marked Meyer $10.00



A783a.) JROTC Marksmanship Badge with two stars, clutch back, maker marked Meyer $10.00






A786.) USN SEAL DSDS & GWOT Lieutenant’s valor grouping including three mounted medal bars (11 piece), 15 place ribbon bar, awards, badges (trident & jump wing), collar and miscellaneous insignia, uniform items, etc - 20 pieces total (unnamed)  $75.00





A787.) USN Corpsman GWOT named grouping including nine place ribbon bar, Corpsman insignia, US Navy branch tape on Desert AOR1 pattern and letter of provenance explanation of awards signed by the veteran - sailor serves as a Hospital Corpsman Third Class assigned to FMF Atlantic East (2004 - ’07)  $50.00





A790.) GWOT 5 miscellaneous medals (unnamed)  $25.00





A792.) Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal as new in box $20.00





A793.) Army two 3 piece ribbon bars and two medals from GWOT Army NCO. Box on right hinge is broken. $20.00





A625.) US Army Unknown Model Canteen complete with original canvas shoulder strap - Canteen has correct cork and metal stopper and hardware - Shoulder strap has GI initials and is complete with all bright metal hardware  $300.00 $75.00






A635.) US Army Model 1903 Canteen Hanging Strap - Canvas hanging strap for the Model 1902 canteen stamped RIA 1904, complete with blackened brass hardware $65.00  $30.00






A637.) USMC WWII Canteen Cover - Model 1910 USMC P-3 type with “cross strap” or “dog ear” flaps, unmarked as usual, probably Phila Navy Yard made. $45.00  $25.00







Well that’s it for now. Thanks for reading through the list.
If you find something you like let me know.

I can be reached at or 856 628 3547 or

Frank Trzaska
103 Nichecronk Rd. Box 175
Dingmans Ferry, PA. 18328

Payments can be made via paypal at the following

Anyway you prefer is fine with me. If calling try to make it after 6PM Eastern as I am usually out during the day at my "real" job. 

These items are sold as historical and collectible items only. The items are warranted to be as described and shown in the photographs. No guarantee or warranty is expressed or implied as to the usability of the items for its original purpose. The buyer, certifies that he or she is of lawful age and is not prevented by any law from the purchase or possession of these items. The buyer is responsible for knowing, understanding and obeying all Federal, State and Local laws concerning the purchase and possession of these items.

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