American Military Bayonets of the 20th Century
By Gary M Cunningham
The best book available on 20th Century United States bayonets. Excellent information, in detail, on these highly collectable bayonets. In the author's words, "A guide for collectors, including notes on makers, markings, finishes, variations, scabbards, and
production data." Covered are bayonets from the Model 1892 Krag to the current issue M9. The book is set up for beginner and advanced collectors alike with bayonets addressed in the order that they were adopted. The line drawings are of outstanding clarity, showing details often missed by photographs. A detailed "Specifications Box" is included on each model to guide the reader through the variations. If currently collect or plan to start bayonet collecting this is a must have book on the subject.$old plus $5.00 shipping in the U.S., Overseas additional.
Knife Books
PO Box 5866
Deptford, NJ 08096or