The M1905 Page
This one is also rampant with recent reproductions. In the past we would occasionally see a re-welded blade marked to one of the rarer items but now we are finding entire bayonets being made. This page is nothing more then a link to Gary Cunningham's Bayonet Points #13 which features some info and photos of the new reproductions and the fantasy items they are currently importing.
This is an easy to tell model but I have seen the scabbards around.
This is an M1 but could also be passed as the M1905.
This is the current reproduction of the O L stamped M1905.
This is the current Model of 1905 leather covered scabbard. Easy to tell when new but as with any leather product it can be aged quickly.
The newest Repro to hit ebay. Easy to see the difference.
IMA Collector Grade M1905 Repro
SWI rears it's ugly head again...
If anyone has additional photos or comments please let us know.