May 2001

"Mystery" Knife

As suggested by several folks, we are adding this page to gather what information we can about knives of unknown origin or backgrounds. We will print what information we do have on them and any theories anyone may have right here on this page. Hit me with your best shot to stimulate the thought process.

A $100.00 REWARD will be paid to anyone who DOCUMENTS the location (street address) of the "Delta" Knife makers, owners or partners, year it opened and final disposition of the company.


Click on the thumb nails for the full size pictures.

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Here we have the two known styles of the "Delta" Knife. The gray swirl colored handle is much rarer then the black model. Neither are exactly common!


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A possible link may have been found with this knife. Stamped on the blade in all capital letters is the name "STEFFENS." I have not been able to locate a "Steffens" knife company but maybe you can?? The handle is cast with "Made in the U.S.A." right into it. The gray swirl and the pattern of the handle provide the link. This knife was found by Mike Silvey.


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This is the typical scabbard that originally came with the knife. Notice the lack of a hold down strap. It is made from very light weight leather and would quickly rot away if exposed to any jungle environment. Makes me wonder if it really was meant for service members. Numbers "678B" stamped into the top of the scabbard.


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Black handle Delta knife in it's scabbard. Just the way we would like to find them all!


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More typical way they are found, in a WW II era Navy hard plastic scabbard. Perhaps this is where the "Delta" portion of the description comes from. Who really did see one of these in Vietnam? Anyone?


April Mystery Knife
