Old Photo Page 6


Updated 05/20/01

We thought it would be fun to share some old photos of edged cutlery that we have gathered over the years. If you have any you could submit, just e-mail them to us. We would love to see them.

This batch is from a picture book of the Spanish American War in the Philippines. Not many cutlery photos but they do bring up some interesting questions on weapons used.


Click on the thumb nails to see the full size photo.


1898Krag.JPG (116647 bytes)

Nice Krag shot with bayonets being worn at a captured outpost.


1898Swords.JPG (150713 bytes)

Officers and swords, note the fellow with the long beard in the front with the medals. Old Soldier there.


Muzzleloading.JPG (371424 bytes)

Do my eyes deceive me here? Is the soldier about mid line seem to be loading his rifle from the muzzle? Muzzle loaders in the SAW? Tell me folks what is this?


Trapdoor.JPG (123067 bytes)

Here we clearly see a Trapdoor leaning up against the tree at General MacArthur's headquarters building. Did they still issue 45-70 socket bayonets in this time period? 


Garrote.JPG (77522 bytes)

No lethal injections in those days! Now this might have some effects on prevention of a crime!


